Check out what is worth seeing in Rzeszow!

Memorative tenement houses, charming streets and alleys built in times of Ligęza or Lubomirski family. Rzeszow has many monuments which delight with their history. During your travels, both short as well as long ones, it’s worth staying and doing a bit of sightseeing. Below you will find a list of the most interesting places.

Summer Palace of Lubomirski (Monument)

Summer Palace of Lubomirski

Rekomendowane dla dzieci Rekomendowane dla seniorów

Art Nouveau villas (Monument)

Art Nouveau villas

Rekomendowane dla dzieci Rekomendowane dla seniorów Miejsce przyjazne zwierzętom

Lisia Góra Nature Reserve

Lisia Góra is a hill by the Wisłok river. A reserve was created there in 1998, covering the area of 8,11 hectares. The absolute altitude of the hill is around 200 metres and the hillsides are loess rock. The hill is over...

Rekomendowane dla dzieci Miejsce przyjazne zwierzętom

Tadeusz Mazowiecki Bridge

The Bridge, named after Tadeusz Mazowiecki, connects Załęska and Lubelska streets. It is 482 metres long and, thanks to its pylons, 108,5 metres high, which makes it the second highest bridge in Poland. It is supported by the r...

Museum of the Rzeszow History (Museum)

Museum of the Rzeszow History is a department of the District Museum in Rzeszow and it is located on the ground floor of the 17th century tenement, Market Square in Rzeszow number 12 (entrance from the Baldachówka street...

Park Sybiraków (Park)

To jeden z najpopularniejszych parków w mieście! Jest to jeden z największych kompleksów zieleni w mieście Rzeszów. Jego powierzchnia zajmuje blisko 8 ha, na której każdego dnia swój wolny cza...

Rekomendowane dla seniorów

Former Piarists convent in Rzeszów (Monument)

Former Piarists convent in Rzeszów was built in the first half of the 17th century and it consists of a college, a church and a monastery. The church and the monastery were built thanks to a foundation belonging to the d...

The County Museum in Rzeszow

District Museum in Rzeszow is located on the representative city promenade - the 3rd May Street – in a historic, 17th century building, the old monastery of the Piarist fathers. This edifice is one part of the all old Pia...


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