Have fun in Rzeszow

To fully grasp the city, sightseeing itself is not enough. That’s why you should check out the fun side of Rzeszow. Cinemas, theatres, swimming pools, bowling clubs… It's just the beginning of the amusements. Find out more about the night life of the city in one of the clubs and pubs. The list of interesting places you can find below.


The Skatepark is next to the Regional Spectacle and Athletic Centre ‘Podpromie’. It is a part of Rzeszow Sport and Recreation Centre’s many facilities and one of the most advanced of its type. Its measurements...

Żwirownia (Bathing beach)

‘Żwirownia’ is a body of water with a surface area of 3,5 hectares. On its shore a 20 are sandy beach is located. The bathing beach is close to the Rzeszow dam. Lifeguards are on their watch and make sure people are...

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Rzeszow Sport and Recreation Centre

Rzeszow Sport and Recreation Centre consists of swimming pools: ROSiR, ‘Delfin’, ‘Karpik’, ‘Muszelka’, the open swimming pools, tennis courts, a tennis hall, a sports hall, a skatepark, the u...

Wanda Siemaszkowa Theatre

The only professional drama theatre in Rzeszów and the Podkarpackie Region, it has operated for nearly eight decades. It was launched in 1944 as the National Theatre. Its current headquarters comprise two buildings. Its...

Escape Room Rzeszów (Escape room)

Są miejsca o których wiedzą wszyscy, ale tylko nieliczni mogą się tam znaleźć. Na pewno jednym z takich miejsc jest najlepsza szkoła magii i czarodziejstwa jaką jest Hogwart. Będąc jednymi z ulubieńców dyrektora k...

Kino Za Rogiem Cafe (Cinema)

Zapraszamy Was do Kina za Rogiem Café w Rzeszowie. To miejsce, w którym będziecie mogli obejrzeć niebanalne filmy, spotkać ciekawych ludzi lub posiedzieć przy dobrej kawie czy herbacie i pysznym ciastku. W KzR Caf...

Kino Zorza (Cinema)

Zorza Cinema exists in Rzeszow for 64 years and is run by the Regional Film Foundation now. Zorza Cinema offers both commerci...

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Activity bar "PODKRĘCONE" (activity bar)

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FlyWall (Climbing centre)

Flywall is the biggest climbing centre in Podkarpacie region of Poland. It houses over 530m^2 of roped and lead...


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